Sport Injuries

Sports Injuries

Many people believe that in order to be considered a “real” athlete, you have to be a professional. This isn’t true at all! Some athletes train for competitions, and others train to improve in their sport of choice and stay physically active. No matter what kind of athletic category you fall into, you are at risk of having sports injuries.

Many athletes get hurt every year by using improper playing and movement techniques. That’s why it’s important to see a physical therapist regularly and make sure that you’re in tip-top shape!

Whether you have recently sustained an injury such as a sprain or broken limb, or you just want to make sure you’re staying fit for the game, our Bridgewater, NJ physical therapy practice can help you in the unfortunate event that you sustain a sports injury. Contact Good Hands Physical Therapy today to set up your first appointment.f!n.

Common Sports Injuries

There are several different injuries that can occur while performing an athletic activity; however, the most common forms of sports injury include:

Shin splints

The medical term for shin splints is “medial tibial stress syndrome,” referring to pain that is felt in the shin bones. This pain is typically caused by stress placed on the shinbone and the connective tissues surrounding it. Shin splints are painful and often debilitating; however, they can be avoided if you make sure to wear proper footwear, strengthen your core and leg muscles, and warm up before exercise.

Knee injuries

Your knee is the most complex joint in your body, so it’s no surprise that it is also one of the most commonly injured body parts. Knee injuries may include dull aches that run from your hip to your knee, repetitive use injuries making it difficult to move the knee, or more severe injuries such as an ACL tear.


A sprain occurs when a ligament connecting one bone to another is stretched beyond its limits. Once a sprain occurs and a ligament is overstretched, it is more likely that it’ll occur again.

Strain or “pulled muscle”

A strain is similar to a sprain, but they are not quite the same. A strain, also referred to as a “pulled muscle,” occurs when a tendon connecting your muscle to bone is stretched beyond its limits. Once the tendon is overstretched, it is more likely that it will be strained once again and cause future reinjury.

How Do Sports Injuries Occur?

The term “sports injury” is pretty inclusive. Any type of injury that occurs while performing athletic activity can fall under the term, and they can all happen by lifting heavy weights at the gym, overuse of a body part, or running in ill-fitting shoes.

One of the most important aspects to rehabilitating a sports injury is treating it as soon as possible. The second you notice your pain failing to dissipate or getting worse, you should call our Bridgewater, NJ therapist for an assessment. Your treatment plan and duration of recovery will vary depending on how severe the injury is, your health history, and whether or not the injury requires surgical intervention, so it’s a good idea to contact a professional for help as soon as possible!

Contact Good Hands Physical Therapy Today For Your Sports Injuries

If you have recently sustained a painful sports injury, stop trying to deal with it alone at home. Icing it will only go so far! Our Bridgewater, NJ physical therapists are highly trained movement specialists. Through physical evaluations, they will be able to examine your moving body in order to decide the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

They may also review your medical history as well as perform diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRI, or ultrasound. Once your diagnosis has been determined, our physical therapist will create a specialized treatment plan for you, taking into account the nature of your injury, your fitness level, and your lifestyle. Their ultimate goal is to see you through to recovery and make sure you aren’t benched for a longer period of time than is necessary.

Your treatment plan will typically include manual therapy to reduce scar tissue, and increase your range of motion, as well as stretches to improve balance and mobility. They will also most likely incorporate strengthening exercises to make the injured area stronger, as well as its surrounding areas. These are all done to help you recover after your sports injury and to prevent further injuries from happening again!

If you have recently sustained a sports injury, request an appointment with Good Hands Physical Therapy to find out more about how we can help you return quickly and safely to the activities you love. We can get you started on the road to pain relief and recovery!